We’re proud of our team at Body In Motion and today we’re highlighting one of them.

Laurie Harmon is a Board Certified Orthotist and Prosthetist and our Pediatric Specialist. Read on to learn more about Laurie and the work she does each day.
Laurie Harmon is a Licensed Orthotist, Licensed Prosthetist, and our Pediatric Specialist at Body in motion.
Laurie studied at New York University and is a Board Certified Prosthetist-Orthotist. Her special interests include pediatrics and upper extremity prosthetics.
Previously she worked for Shriners Hospital in Philadelphia PA for 8 years. It is in this setting, that she gained her knowledge and experience seeing and treating the most complex orthopedic and neurological patients. Where are thrilled to have her bring these experiences to our collective knowledge base.
In addition to her work with our team here at Body In Motion, Laurie has experience evaluating, designing, measuring, and fitting orthotic and prosthetic devices and has worked with physicians to formulate specifications and prescriptions that identify the right device for her patients’ unique needs and challenges.
Laurie is also an active member of her community. She serves as the Vice-Chair of the Princeton Bicycle Advisory Committee working with the mayor and council to ensure the safety of future pedestrian and bicycle accommodations and ensuring the town maintains its status as a Bike Friendly Community with the League of American Bicyclists.
While her wealth of experience is evidence enough of her amazing ability to serve our patients, it’s also worth mentioning that Laurie has accomplished so much as a woman in a predominantly male-dominated field.
Laurie’s kind demeanor and her ability to understand the needs of our patients can’t be overstated. Her dedication to her patients, passion for the field, and her ability to create connections with those she serves are all reasons we’re proud and grateful to have her as a member of our team.